Friday, February 10, 2012

Just a journal entry

So on January 13, my manager, the best I've had in my career, resigned her position and left the bank.  This, after greeting us as normal and informally scheduling a meeting for later that morning, created many unanswered questions when, within an hour or two, her manager called my co-workers and me to behind closed doors to announce her resignation, effective immediately, and telling us she had already left the building.  Shock and grief are not too strong of words to express our surprise and four weeks later, the hole still exists.

That day I called Joe, my old manager from my days at Wells Fargo.  He had been packaged following the reoganization of his team after the Wachovia purchase and several months before had given me his card and asked me to keep my eyes open for him.  He called me back and said he had posted for Lorri's position.

Within a week of Lorri's resignation, our Real Estate and Leasing manager, Bob, resigned, effective two weeks from now.  He just doesn't feel the job is a good fit for him personally, despite really liking the company and the team.  I have loads of respect for him for realizing this and leaving before letting any gunk get in the way.  He is amazing in his dedication to leaving his department in as good a shape as possible.

Then this last Wednesday, February 8, at our department's weekly meeting, Julie, the head of our department and the one who told us the news of the resignations, announced that she would be stepping into Bob's position and Joe would assume her role as head of the department, leaving Lorri's position still unfilled.  She also announced a new position, Design Manager, that would be filled by Tomomi, one of my fellow development managers.

Whew.  It's been a week of change and putting on a face and knowing these are really positive changes to our department but still wondering how it will all shake out.  I'll keep me posted.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Politics ... shudder ...

Anyone who knows me well knows I really don't like to talk politics.  I don't get why negative campaigning works and I can't stand what it turns people into.  Then when the candidates drop out and immediately endorse a previous opponent, it just seems so insincere and a huge game.

Do you think it will ever matter what qualifications a candidate has, rather than what he or she thinks his or her opponent can't do?  I can't remember the last time I heard any candidates tell me what they can do for me; instead, they spend so much time slamming their opponents that I never know what they themselves stand for.

I long for a serious candidate who wants to serve the country, to do the right thing for the country.  Instead, for the last several elections, I've found myself asking who is the less of two evils - how can that be right? 

It is ridiculous for either party to blame the other for the country's current situation.  I hear blame against Obama, but look what he inherited.  Okay, I give you that he should have waited a couple of terms before he ran - a Freshman legislator can't know that he is stepping into - but he didn't cause the current economy, no matter what anyone says.  I just don't think he knows how to improve it -- and really, who does?  It's like losing weight  - it takes time to gain it, and longer to lose it.  And let's face it, the three years Mr. Obama has been in office hasn't allowed time to heal the 8 years it took to break it.

Not that Mr. Bush was to blame either.  While I don't agree with many of the ways he dealt with things, he didn't cause them and again, no one could have known how to fix them.  It's sort of like parenthood, I'd guess -- you do what you know at the time.

This weekend we are spending time in Portland with dear friends from Vancouver, BC and as often happens, the subject of Politics has come up.  It was interesting to learn that Canada's election process takes 6 weeks - yes, weeks!  Okay, so think of the millions of dollars spent on American elections over the year or so they take and what it would mean if that were cut down exponentially - hey, that represents a good chunk of the national debt.

I am already sick of the process for the 2012 election, and we still have over 9 months to go.  At this rate, I'm going to be too uninformed to vote - unless they change it to the best candidate NOT to vote for, in which case, I still couldn't make a decision. 

And it makes me feel stupid.